Kuyahoora Youth Football, Inc.
PO Box 517
Newport, NY 13416
Kuyahoora Kickers Running Club
In 1981, the Kuyahoora Kickers Running Club was born. Soon after the club was founded, we decided that we needed to sponsor our own running event, as all other running clubs did. The Kuyahoora Valley and the West Canada Valley are one in the same, Kuyahoora being an Indian name meaning rapid water. In the early 80’s, from early spring to late fall, every weekend seemed to be filled with one or two running events, so the calendar was filled. We decided to take our chances on a winter run, placing it strategically between the Hangover Run and the Heart Run, serve some good winter food, chili of course, and try to make it more fun than competitive. After all it is February in upstate New York!
On the first Saturday of February 1982, the first Beer & Chili was run. This year, 2009, we celebrated our 25th year anniversary. Well, all right you math pundits, 1982-2009 is not 25 years. Actually we didn’t hold the event for a couple of years due to insurance issues, but the Roman Runners bailed us out of that situation and we were back.
We have kept the event simple, no shirts, no running tags, no individual times given, and trophies are awarded only to the overall male and female finishers, keeping our entry fee to only a few dollars. To make up for the lack of trophies we always have a raffle table for the runners, each entry is thrown into a box and drawn out one-by-one until all the items are gone. Be aware some of the items on that table are very nice, this year including running shoes provided by Precision Auto and Bike of West Winfield, hand made rustic window mirror donated by Korber Glass of Barneveld and a very nice SportHill article of clothing donated by the Sneaker Store. Over the years we could pretty much expect 80-100 runners, no matter what the weather. We’ve had blizzards, sleet storms, -8, wind-chill of -30 and even some nice days – we’ve had it all, and always 80-100 runners. It was in 2006 that our event changed, and became greater.
In 2006 we decided to have our event in support of the Kuyahoora Valley Food Pantry and go out to our local businesses and request their support. In the beginning we had no idea what kind of response we’d receive as we timidly approached business after business. We were greatly surprised and delighted that in the first year we were able to contribute $700.00 to the food pantry, to help those in need. Now, keep in mind that for each dollar spent, the food pantry can purchase approximately six dollars worth of food items, an incredible ratio. In 2007 we were able to contribute $1,400.00, in 2008 $3,165.00 and in 2009 we will be contributing approximately $3,300.00. So you can see our growth has been phenomenal and for such a small rural community.
For our 25th anniversary we decided to add a couple of new features. For the first time, we offered t-shirts, and had a great rendition of the national anthem played by local high school student Jeff Humphrey. Thanks to the local running community, and a great weather forecast, 2009 brought in a record number of runners- 165. Our previous high turnout was, as memory serves, 109. You see we keep no written records of turnouts or times, so we have only approximate memories of past turnouts and pretty much no idea regarding what the course records are and who may hold them. I do think, however that the number 165 will be remembered.
If you haven’t run the Beer & Chili before, please give it a try, we’ve been doing this for years and we think you will be pleasantly surprised with the fun you’ll have. The satisfaction of knowing that you helped the Kuyahoora Food Pantry and those in need of help should go a long way as well.
See ya in February 2010, t-shirts may be available again, but don’t worry. We give runners an option, they can enter at a fee to include the t-shirt or enter with a much reduced fee for with no shirt. Regardless of fee paid, you get to have as much chili as you want. So relax and have a nice hot bowl of chili and a drink after the run. Share a few running stories with your buddies while you’re at it!
A hearty THANK YOU the Utica Road Runners for use of your clock, as well as to those Road Runners that have participated in Beer & Chili runs.
The Kuyahoora Kickers